How to make money of the side medical resident

how to make money of the side medical resident

The budget and life of a resident physician often leave little room for wants and free time. Of course not all of these methods may be an option for you, however, if so they are good ways to increase disposable income. This money was applied towards my student loans and savings for emergency fund for my transition from resident to attending. Making extra money during residency always comes at a price and many times that price is your free time. For this reason I chose not to include ride sharing Uber, Lyft as a method to make extra money. There are numerous blogs that describe that pay per hour after deducting for expenses is quite low. Resident physicians already have so little that many find these methods not worth the hassle, however, some require little to no residebt such as the Rezident Rewards program. Overall, its up to each individual how badly the money is needed vs the sacrifice of giving up ones free time. July 20, July 20, admin 0 Comments make extra money during residencyresidency.

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This post is intended to shed some light on the world of extra income, entrepreneurship, and the related concept of passive income for residents. My husband and I are definitely on the high side of that average. What is passive income? What do you think? What sources of extra income do you have? What are the drawbacks to an extra income during residency? Comment below! Your email address will not be published. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins Error: No connected account. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to connect an account. Not all residency programs offer moonlighting opportunities. Ours does and it can be a great source of income. One thing to keep in mind is how much your free time is worth to you. For those of you with a spouse also earning money, this could put you in a higher tax bracket. Plus, you went from having days off per month to only 2 days off per month. I think moonlighting is excellent, I just want everyone to have a realistic expectation of this trade off.

Sell your blood plasma.

Blogging, writing an e-book, selling physical products, social influencing. With these, there is a large amount of work on the front end and a fairly steep learning curve but also the potential for a passive income stream. This blog is another tier of my passive income revenue plan. This should be an entire blog post in itself. If you want to hear more, please comment below so we know! Below is a bit more on each of the entrepreneurial ideas.

Please note that this is a growing list as I come across new ideas and receive submissions as well. So check back often and feel free to submit your own ideas down below. With the ever-changing state of medicine, the increasing burden of student loan debt , and the dissatisfaction and burnout that comes along with all of it, physicians seem to be searching for alternatives or other ways to make income. To qualify as a side hustle, it must be something that you can initially start while continuing your day job as a physician. Ultimately I believe that side hustles start with having the right attitude. Great list! Thanks for including my podcast. Katrina Ubell, MD is a great example of a doctor turned coach weight loss. She was on episode 1 of the Hippocratic Hustle and she talked all about it. I would add locum tenens work to clinical. While more clinical work is usually more lucrative than most side hustles, most of us are interested in working fewer clinical hours, not more.

They are paid a minimal salary because medical residents are not fully licensed to practice medicine, and therefore residents do not independently bring in any revenue for a medical facility. Sign Up. This gooey, sticky yellow-ish stuff can be used to create therapies that treat people with blood clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases, and even burn victims. Ruben, Barbara. Pros and Cons of a Medical Military Career. Many go on to earn board certification in their specialty after passing an exam by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Before they can become licensed they must complete three to seven years of residency focusing in an area in which they are interested, such as pediatrics or surgery. Donating eggs might even cause cancer, though scientists say it will take decades to determine for sure whether there’s a link.

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Your salary as a resident can be discouraging, especially with the number of hours you work. Having hefty student loans looming only makes it worse. But there are income-generating opportunities fitting for every type of resident.

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They come in a wide spectrum of formats and time-commitments to meet just about every scenario. Think broadly, cast a wide net, sode keep an open mind about what work may be fitting for you at this point in your professional journey. This includes MCAT and other test preparation courses. Kaplan, The Princeton Review, and their competitors offer instructor positions that require as little as one evening or off weekend day per week.
