Make money in project hospital

make money in project hospital

Many questions in the discusions thread is about How to make a hosptal, or My next objective is to treat XX number of patients but I only get XX Patients. The answers of these questions and many more you will find. The game is mainly a management simulator. You can treat patients your self, but you can only follow 12 patients. The purpose is to get the automatic treatment of patients so efficient posible. You earn patients by healing patients. This ni you get paid by treatment and not by Examination. So ordering a lot projevt examinations will not mean that you earn more money. Its just a waist of staff and resources. Your patients and staff will have needs. Most common needs are Toilets, food, drinknot being bored. The make money in project hospital you meet the needs of your patients and staff the more prestige you will .


Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Project Hospital Store Page. Global Achievements. I must be missing something, I’ve restarted three times now trying to make a hospital that just will make money. All I’ve built so far is everything in emergency, radiology, an ICU, and surgery. Not nearly enough to provide income to expand. I still haven’t treated 50 patients a day.

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The problem is, I don’t get 50 patients per day so how is this possible without expanding? And to expand I’d have to build a new department which means more loans I’m frustrated at this point. I know it might be tough to know what I’m doing wrong without seeing my hospital but any tips on how to be profitable in a smaller hospital?

make money in project hospital

Things to know before you start

The game guide to Project Hospital contains helpful information about single player mode that will let you find your way around the game world. In this tutorial you will find explanations of various game mechanics and useful tips for Project Hospital. This will enable you to get to know the game quickly and painlessly. You will learn how to build a hospital and how to treat your patients effectively. Project Hospital is a strategy game created by independent studio Oxymoron Games. Your task will be the manage a hospital. The game features also a mechanic of sending the patient for examination and to determine the treatment of the patient. It will be up to you to design the layout of the building, choose the right staff, choose which insurance companies to cooperate with, as well as the scope of duties and the composition of the wards. It will also be up to you to deal with critical cases and problems such as diagnosing the patient. Project Hospital features hundreds of faithfully reproduced diseases along with different methods of diagnosis and treatment. The game has two-dimensional graphics, presented in isometric perspective.

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Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Scy View Profile View Posts. You should branch out quicker. Didn’t have a single day whithout profit except costs for building. Love the game but I’m either just not patient enough or doing things wrong in terms of a «build order» so to speak on when to do certain things. Next: I like to add the CAG room. I even left the game running last night, in high speed. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. And, maybe one a day from not being able to be treated, for some low reason or. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. Project Hospital Store Page.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page.


Project Hospital Store Page. Global Achievements. Ghostpro71 View Profile View Posts. Love the game but I’m either just not patient enough or doing things wrong in terms of a «build order» so to speak on when to do certain things. I usually start with 5 doctor’s offices in the ER Triage and work through my grants to get more money, but then I can’t ever get 60 patients in a day. If I keep building more doctor’s offices, my cost goes up and i start making very little money. My questions really are: 1. How do I know when it’s time to start building into Trauma and pouring money into that? What about General Surgery? When do you start going that route?
