NASA is recruiting volunteers to spend two months in bed. The research, xre is taking place in Germany, is part of a study into how artificial gravity might affect the body. The 24 people selected for will spend 60 days laying down, with all experiments, meals, and leisure activities done while horizontal. The experiment, however, is just one of many ways you can get paid for helping out with scientific research. If you want to aid the science community and potentially save some lives there are some unconventional yet potentially lucrative steps you can. But there’s a catch: you have to remain there for 60 days, 24 hours a day. Bed-rest studies help NASA researchers see some of the changes that an astronaut’s body goes through due to the weightlessness of space flight. Getting paid to lay down for a few months may sound like easy money, sstudies keep in mind that the selection committee is looking for participants that possess the physical and psychological traits of a real astronaut. You’ll have to keep your head tilted down six degrees at all times while you lay there, even when you’re washing, eating, and using the toilet.
Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations make an average of $57,190 a year
Advertiser Disclosure: The credit card and banking offers that appear on this site are from credit card companies and banks from which MoneyCrashers. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site, including, for example, the order in which they appear on category pages. Advertiser partners include American Express, Chase, U. Bank, and Barclaycard, among others. In difficult economic times, many people look for ways to make extra money, and you may be considering some creative options to pay down debt. One way to make money is by using your body. First and foremost, you must carefully consider your medical decisions, and always discuss these ideas with your doctor. A technician will ask questions about your physical history and then check your weight, blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. The whole experience usually takes an hour and a half to two hours, but may sometimes take slightly longer.
1. Money-making strategy: Drive for Uber or Lyft
I gave plasma several times while in graduate school, and it was generally a painless process. A machine strains plasma from your blood and then reinserts the blood minus the plasma back into your body. I went on an empty stomach once and nearly passed out when I stood up after donating. Hospitals and clinics use plasma to treat hemophiliacs, some pregnant women, infants, and burn victims, so in addition to making money, you will be helping others. Visit DonatingPlasma.
Lie in bed for 60 days straight as part of NASA research
It sounds like a dream job, until you start to contemplate the bleak reality of not being able to move for months on end. But the fact remains that scientific progress depends in great part on the willingness of humans to volunteer their time and their bodies to be experimented upon. The most compelling aspect? You can get paid for it, too. People suffering from a certain disease might be eager to participate in research related to that condition, either to help themselves or contribute to research that might help others.
Animal scientists make an average of $58,380 a year
Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations make an average of $57,190 a year
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Physicists, computer scientists, and paleontologists were among the most lucrative careers, earning six-figure salaries. May conduct soil surveys and develop plans to eliminate soil erosion or to protect rangelands. May instruct farmers, agricultural production managers, or ranchers in best ways to use crop rotation, contour plowing, or terracing to conserve soil and water; in the number and kind of livestock and forage plants best suited to particular ranges; and in range and farm improvements, such as fencing and reservoirs for stock watering. May specialize in wildlife research and management.
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May collect and analyze biological data to determine the environmental effects of present and potential use of land and water habitats. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity. May develop the means for prevention and control; o versee public health programs, including statistical analysis, health care planning, surveillance systems, and public health improvement. Using knowledge of various scientific disciplines, may collect, synthesize, study, report, and recommend action based on data derived from measurements or observations of air, food, soil, water, and other sources. Includes medical microbiologists who study the relationship between organisms and disease or the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms. Engage in clinical investigation, research and development, or other related activities. Includes physicians, dentists, public health specialists, pharmacologists, and medical pathologists who primarily conduct research. May specialize in fields such as bio-statistics, agricultural statistics, business statistics, or economic statistics.
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