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This is just one of countless examples of how people use YouTube these days. CD Baby pays hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to indie musicians for the usage of their music on YouTube — and the holidays also happen to coincide not… coincidentally, of course with a huge spike in YouTube advertising revenue. What your fans do and want to do with your music has real value. The obvious early step to earning money from your music on YouTube… is getting set up to earn money from your music on YouTube! So sign up ALL your songs, old and new. For any videos you upload to your own channel, be sure to include the URL to your website or preferred music store right at the top of the description. Make it easy for them to hear your music. The more videos you make available, the more opportunities you have to earn ad revenue. Post it on YouTube, embed it on your website, and spread some cheer! YouTube offers a number of tools to enhance your videos and to drive further engagement. Be sure to explore all your options within your YouTube channel, including adding cards to your videos that will encourage purchases, boost channel subscriptions, increase views, and more. Also be sure to check out end screens! What are your tips for boosting YouTube activity and ad revenue this holiday season? Let us know in the comments below.
Most of my passive income comes from stocks and bonds, real estate, and e-book sales
Ever since landing my first job post-college in , I’ve been determined to build enough passive income in order to not have a job. A future that included getting into work by a. So I left work in at the age of Save until it hurts each month. Most people think they are saving enough through their k or IRA, but they are not. You must sacrifice the pleasures of today for the freedom you will earn tomorrow.
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Pleaselet me know if you got your wish months ago permalink. I asked him didn’t he want some head instead but he said he wnated some black ass, he could always get some head at the book store. Plus prove to her I am. Sell a couple old things on ebay It takes some time to accumulate but I have received tons of stuff, particularly money. Thank you sir I said and I did 23 months ago permalink merciful linen [deleted] says: Looking for the same thing. My ad was sort of like. Then he came and I was living out all my fantizies. A coupe young boys about 16 still in HS riding their bikes road by and stopped to look. When we got in the guy I was with gave a ok sign to my pimp. I said okay if we can find a spot. I never saw his face. Ask for FREE. You could sell something of yours that you don’t want any .
Prep for the holidays on YouTube; reap the benefits year-round!
Hi, I am A slut and am looking to be pimped. I would love to have a pimp putting me out on the street’s It is a thing I have been wanting for a long time. Girl friend I hae the same desire. I once went home one night with a guy to his apartment.
Aftre I sucked and he fucked me good he called up a friend. He told me to lye face down with my ass pushed up in the air with a pillow. I heard the guy come in and he went straight to work on my ass. After about an hour he came got up said a thanks to the first guy and left.
I never saw his face. For weeks later I got turned on by this experience. I definately want to be pimped ot by a man or women mistress. Pleaselet me know if you got your wish months ago permalink. I think we could be a good stable for a young pimp man or women. I am sure we both wokring together would make someone rich. I like the idea of a train on my ass and come all over my face. Okay I have to stop I am turning my self on and no one here to help. Good news everyone: I made friends with a young good looking black t-girl.
She is in the prostitution business. I told her of my desires to be pimped out and she said she would help. First she wants to dress me then start me out at small local neighborhood bars and work our way up.
We are going out for the first time the end of this month. I told her she can keep any and all money I just want the experience and the cum. She also knows some sex clubs that are t-girl friendly that she is willing to take me to. The only thing she demended was that once there I have to put out under her demand. This I guess will be my coming out party to a lot of men that want their dicks sucked or deep into some black ass.
Plus prove to her I am. So I am nervous and anxious, I am sure once I get started I won’t want to stop. Wish me luck. Danielle months ago permalink. I am now a straight up street walking whore months ago permalink. Alright girl friend we both street whores. To bad we are not in the same home town we could stake out a corner and become famous. And have all the cum we could ever want. Went out with my T-girl pimp. She dressed me up sluttied out and took to a couple bars. After teasing a couple guys for drinks for a couple hours.
She set me up with a middle aged white guy. She collected the money and walked out the bar with. We went a couple blocks to an alley. He unzipped and pulled his pants down and told to get to sucking. I did as I was told. A few minutes later my eyes were closed and I was in heaven. I was suckign real good while he was padding my bare ass. Finally he started padding harder and I could tell he was ready to cum.
I started sucking deeper and quicker. Then he came and I was living out all my fantizies. I cleaned him up real good and then we went back to the bar. When we got in the guy I was with gave a ok sign to my pimp. By that time she had another guy all set up. This was a night to live for, all my dreams came true. I know I don’t need my pimp girl friend but its nice to have her be part of the scene. Plus she promised I could always have her dick at the end of the night.
Hi, girls. I haven’t been on the corner for a few weeks but I have been told by my pimp I need to get «My Booty On Duty» and stop giving it away. So this weekend I will be back on the street. Although this time she says she is going to get me a hotel room to work out of. I think she has already sold me to a few guys to pay for the room. Hi, It’s me once.
I got pimped out in Chicago’s south. My pimp made a shit load of money off my ass. I have never had to taker on so much black cock’s. And let me tell you once they pay boy oh boy do they fuck you hard my sissy ass has been getting tor up as of late. I am a true street whore.
Girl I think we have found our calling. I couldn’t imagine having this much fun. I am still a little scared of the street walking. But once I am in the hotel and sucking I am in heaven. Lats week my little t-girl pimp took me to a secret little bar and showed me often all the men inside. Later I was sucking off men in a back room. She would send in one aftre. Then we went to the hotel where she had a ew men waiting in cars.
She had me clean up, grease up, and spread face down on the bed. They came in one at a time and left the hotel door open!!!!! I couldn’t get to sleep that next morning. I masterbated most of the next day. I was born to do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi girls. I decided to go out without my little pimp t-girl. After about twenty minutes walking close to the main street but kind of staying in the shadows. I asked him didn’t he want some head instead but he said he wnated some black ass, he could always get some head at the book store.
I said okay if we can find a spot. We wentthrough a few business alleys. The found a table in a corner. I wnet over to the spot and handed him the condom. I also had some lubricent so applied a hand. As soon as he was reday he pushed over the end of the table and drove right in. With the lubricent he slid right in with very little pain.
He started pumping right away, I askedhim to slow down at first so we can both enjoy but he just kept on pumping. Aftre while I was moaning loud. A coupe young boys about 16 still in HS riding their bikes road by and stopped to look.
Te spanish guy came a little while later the biys were still. The guy aksed them if they wanted some of this ass. I started to jump up but he started rubbing my ass and pushed my.
One buy said hell yea and came over pulling his dick. Soon he was fucking hard. I asked him hi age and he said That made me feel a lkittle better but stilll though they looked young. He felt relly good and I started moaninf all over agian.
The spanish guy had already left.
ZZ Top — Legs (Official Music Video)
When independent musicians are just starting out, the road can get pretty bumpy. No one said that the life of a struggling musician would be glamorous, but for those with passion, talent, and an insatiable drive to succeed that keeps them practicing their latest song until the sun comes up, the payout is even more real than the struggle it took to get. These may be a bit hard to swallow, but it will make you a better musician at the end of it. Share your worst money making story in the comments below so that other independent musicians can learn from your experiences. Understanding that digital sales are a volume game can help your overall strategy to make money as a musician.
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Still, these sites should be used more for distribution than to book your next studio session. Bottom Line : With digital sales, you may make a few cents off of each download, which is great for music hobbyists but not a serious income to support a professional musician.
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