Can i make money blogging without ads

can i make money blogging without ads

You started blogging with a goal. To monetize a blog and make money blogging. It could be the ultimate desire to work from home and live on your own terms. Or, it could be making money online without tiring job routines. Maybe for a successful career, a freelancer lifeor winning dreams. But — you also planned withokt make money from your blog. The truth is wthout you HATE ads. Then, you wonder, how to monetize your blog without ads? Once you start a blogyou come across several things through your blogging journey. One important concern is how to make money from blogging and How to monetize a blog without ads? As sometimes, advertisement sucks!

Here’s the truth:

You want to make money, right? Of course you do. Everyone wants — and needs -to make money. One of the most common ways bloggers make money is through placing ads on their site. There are two popular types of ads:. Perhaps the most popular network for placing these types of ads is Google AdSense. With this program, you do not need to be in direct contact with advertisers; you simply place the banner on your site, Google chooses ads relevant to your content, and your viewers click on the ads. If you end up with enough traffic, advertisers may come directly to you and ask you to place their ad on your site. You can also contact advertisers yourself. The biggest difference from the above mentioned option is that there is no middle man, which means you can set your own ad rates. Selling private ads can come in the form of banners, buttons, or links. The ways you make money with this can vary.

can you make money blogging, (and is the only way to make money blogging by “blogging about blogging”?)

For instance, you might charge a one-time fee for a link within a post. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge your partner monthly.

Affiliate Marketing

Still needs more convincing? Wondering how to make money with a blog? And people start trusting you and keep working hard to helping them to get through. How to Make and Earn Money online is normally considered a way of using different advertising companies to publish ads, promote products to sell, and display banner ads and getting paid online over the internet. The problem begins when people keep looking at the money making factors rather than the focus of delivering to the audience. The money will ultimately follow you. So think BIG! No doubt, you will need to do planning and marketing for that but ultimately your goodwill, name, and reputation will do the major part in your blog monetization.

can i make money blogging without ads

Monetize with CPC or CPM Ads

I am in the middle of a project of re-designing my blog. I started this blog just over a year ago because I found social media fascinating and also a touch obsessive and it was started from a passion. Twitter has grown from 8 million visitors per month to over million in 12 months. So where there is obsession and growth there is power, so how do you tap that in a credible and ethical manner? On the other hand there are a lot of people who blog because they just want a voice and want to change the world. At the other end of the spectrum there are bloggers who have perfected the art of scamming without offering any value except to rip people off with get rich quick schemes.

After playing around I landed on this one,. There are a lot of ways you can make money from blogging, but I would recommend not overwhelming yourself and instead implementing them one by one. Share via. Keep sharing. Thank you so much for writing this post! I prefer my tablet because the laptop is so laggy. I could use pins that already match your brand or you could check out my pin template designs for free and tell me if you like any of them. Those were my first articles. A lot depends on how consistent and persistent you are. Google is more targeted traffic which is better for conversions. I am impressed with your commitment and what you have been able to accomplish having young kids. Well, that means that the competition for this long-tail keyword is kind of hard, meaning it will be tough to rank on the first page of Google.

How to Make money without Advertisements

Copy Copied. Monwy post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if mnoey make a purchase through a link. You could help brands reach the target audience by running the bligging for. This is an awesome, detailed guide for people to get started! When you are just starting out most people join the ad network Google Adsense because there are no traffic requirements. I could use pins that already match your brand or you could check out my pin template designs for free and tell me if you like any of. Tried and True mom jobs was created to provide stay-at-home moms legitimate job opportunities that pay well and offer can i make money blogging without ads flexibility to raise their children. God was definitely on our. My blog still makes money with ads and affiliates… and the very odd sponsored post. Can I talk about my life and make cab Well, that pop-up is run by Milotreeand it has helped me gain over 6, Pinterest followers in a short amount of time. Search for:.


Posted by Carly the Mommy Jul 5, First, the more basic question — is it realistic to make money blogging? Can you make money wiithout So that includes me — of course. After all, all the bloggers that they are following are showing them their income reports that detail income coming directly from blogging niche products and blogging amke affiliates. Blog income reports, written by bloggers who blog about blogging, are written to make conversions.

They are a marketing tactic. Unless they were trying to break into the blogging about blogging niche. You can read my blog income reports. So, the income reports we have to look at tend to show a trend of just bloggers blogging about blogging earning income. It feels like a leap of faith to accept that bloggers in other niches are cna great money.

I was blogging about home life, saving money, and health issues. My income was coming from ads and affiliates mostly surveys and a few random things.

Other bloyging asked me questions about the things I was good at — pinterest especially — and these questions grew into my blogging about blogging. I had things to share — things that would hopefully help other people make money blogging.

I only got into it because I was already successfully earning an income in another niche. While I DO blog about blogging, and I do make good can i make money blogging without ads blogging about blogging, I also continue to earn money blogging about mom things.

I consider my blogging about blogging income a separate entity — almost a separate business entirely — from my mom niche income. My MOM niche blog income is actually, I believe, more interesting than my blogging niche wuthout. I do more WORK for the blogging niche income. My blog still makes money with ads and affiliates… and the very odd sponsored post.

These people are living breathing examples of bloggers who are making money in other niches. In fact, if anything, I believe it validates their blogging about blogging blogs.

I asked these bloggers if they would share a little bit about their blogging journey with me, and also some of their best advice for making an income with a blog.

Also, there are a ton of bloggers out there in every other niche not making any money. THEY are likely the ones perpetuating the rumor that you can only make money blogging about blogging.

These bloggers represent many niches and they come with differing amounts of experience. I hope you do too! This is a Bloggin job for these people. One thing they all monsy in common is that each of these bloggers shared GREAT advice with me — for new bloggers who want to make money blogging! Here they are — in order of newest blogger to longest-time blogger:.

BUT if you read through these interviews and you GET that this a great way to make money — then what are you waiting for? Click here to pin this post on Pinterestso you can read these interviews again later! One thing real quick. Would you like me to create pins for each page for you. I could use pins that already match your brand or you could check out my pin template designs for free and tell me if you like any of. This is such an encouraging post!

I am an interiors blogger and have been at it for two years, and have made peanuts. I was beginning to think there is no way to monetize this blog niche, but I just need to tweak some things and keep looking for the right formula. It always seems like those who make money ca are blogging about blogging. I really enjoyed and appreciated that you share your blobging in this article. There nothing like hearing people who are succeeding in there business venture.

This is just what I needed to read today. I honestly come back to your blog anytime I am going through a challenging task or having low page views. Thank you for writing this detailed post! It made a huge impact on me and is helping through a slower summer blogging month. Hi Carly, awesome to hear we can actually make a living from NOT blogging about blogging.

Hoping to prove you right with my parenting blog. Thanks for sharing! Hello Carly, as always I love reading your posts. Its so true if you stay focused and dedicated making money in any niche is possible. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Previous How to keep the house clean with little kids. Next Hypopressive Pelvic Floor Exercises — an alternative to kegels. Related Posts. Want to know how this blog makes money?

Click here! Thank you so much for letting me share my story! Lily FindingBalance. Hi Carly! Thank you so much for this massive post! Carly the Mommy on at pm. Time is a bear. Kristen on at pm. Janita on at pm.

Antonio Matos on at pm. Hi there, I really enjoyed and appreciated that you share your story in this article. So again thank you so much for sharing and all the best. So glad you enjoyed it!! Olivia on at pm. Estie HealthyFamilyandMe on at pm. I hope you prove me right too — it absolutely IS possible girl! Leave a reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Email Facebook Pinterest. Search for:. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Withouh.

$30k / Month: How To Make Money Blogging (2019)

I also recommend you to read this guide by Harsh Agrawal, where he shared how he is making money from his blog. This will give you some great insight and ideas for your blog. Let me give you some extra ideas, which you can implement on your blog apart from putting AdSense or any other ad network. If you are an expert in any field, you can write your book on the topic in which you are an expert.

About Ali Raza

Even you can sell your copyrights to other publishing agencies. You can sell your eBook on your blog or even on Kindle publishing platform. This way, you will generate a recurring income for your blog. One lost opportunity which you can use is by using the existing content of your blog to create an eBook. For mkae, check out ShoutMeLoud affiliate marketing eBook. There has been a big debate on if Native advertising is ethical or not, wwithout the fact is major publications are making huge money with native advertising. In native advertising, you blend the marketing message for your advertiser in a way, which looks editorial and not an ad. Upworthy is an excellent example of native advertising. Here is an mame take by John Oliver on native advertising:. If you are blogging on a niche topic, you are more likely to earn a lot with freelance writing. If your writing is great and you think you can target a wider audience, drop an email to other big blogs in your niche and tell them you looking for a writing job. You will be surprised to know they are always in the lookout for good niche writers.
