Make money from buses city skylines

make money from buses city skylines

Especially how satisfying it is to link up different types. Good public transit is vital for the health of most cities. Use the right mix and you can make extremely efficient systems that keep most private cars off the roads. My tourism guide talks about makr. In the best systems, people move up and down the hierarchy. Fast, high-capacity systems are the trunk and people use increasingly localised forms of transit to get to and from their destination. The main difference, really, is the capacity and throughput dity each type. The humble bus.

Keep It Simple—At First

Public transportation is never profitable IRL. The fares collected only defray part of the operating cost; they do not support the whole system. Watch Fox News or something do a piece on this. Sharing Plugins Folders? The single most important challenge our community faces. Support the movement? Have your say! Though they’d probably doctor up the images of the game to make them look real, give it an actual location, an actual mayor and citizens just so the pleebs believe it’s true. In SC4 , you at least earned some money from operating public transit if people started riding it. That is the point of a lot of things in SimCity. The player is forced down a path of specialization: by limiting city size, making ploppables big, making them expensive , and making them necessary to turn a large profit. Not necessarily. I have a city that runs mega fire station, mega police station, high school, university, public transit, parks in every hood, clinics, and turns an hourly profit in the s.

Balance Your Zoning

In fact, I’ve decided that my oil specialization is a waste of land, and I’m preparing to demolish all the oil wells to add more industrial and expand my university. Industry is a decent money maker by itself.

make money from buses city skylines

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Cities Skylines Transportation System

Then you have taxes, the bogeyman of city management and all civic life. They do take up more space though in terms of how you lay everything out. Passenger Trains Like the name suggests, these trains are used to transport citizens in and out of your city. Big loops with multiple stops are going to run empty. So counter-intuitive as it may seem, a smaller city will attract more residents and keep them there longer. Let us know down in the comments your preferred method of money making in Cities: Skylines! Once you find the lowest level you can invest at without angering your citizens, stick with it for a while. Most of them have hundreds of passengers and are quite efficient.

This is the max possible without cims complaining. In addition to this, if a Cargo Truck brings goods to a Cargo Terminal, a Cargo Train will be spawned to fity these goods to the final destination. Unlike other transportation means, you do not have to create your own airlines; however, it is a good idea to have some pre-existing airlines which should connect to airport. I also once built a town based on cable-cars. Buses are one of the first modes of public transportation in Cities: Skylines. With multiple Metro Lines, you can drastically shorten the time for citizens to get from one part of the city to another which will help you immensely in the long run. Also, you need to be sure you have enough in the way of resources to handle things like law enforcement and necessary services, which becomes much more difficult once your city wkylines bigger. Once you find the lowest level you skylinws invest at without angering your citizens, stick with it for fity. A point to point bus line with just the two mney on a route designed for high speed bus movement,i. An interesting thing to note here is that when good arrive into a Cargo Terminal using the tracks, they are taken to final designated positions via Cargo Trucks. They were too big, maybe that’s the problem. I’m really proud of my bus lines.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change citg. Install Steam. Store Page. Skylnes Skylines Store Page. Global Achievements. I’m really proud of my bus lines. Dkylines of them have hundreds of passengers and are quite efficient.

Profit is sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but nothing outstading. I’m able to also create one or two efficient subway lines, but they have a great deficit on the weekly balance. The remaining are just plain useless. Even the airport feels like it shouldn’t be there, although I do make a lot of money out of tourists, so maybe I should build one, but I feel that 70k pop ain’t enough for that When I reached the problem of goods not getting into stores in time, I tried using cargo stations, like harbors and train stations, but these are just traffic jammers.

I’m thinking about building three train cargo stations, side by side, in order to lessen the traffic effect. Taxis are quite good, but they clog up traffic, and I’m thinking about not using.

PS: Bicycles are the future! It saves so much money and busex. I tried it on a new city and it helped me a lot! The only downside is that you need to replace your roads with trees with roads with cycling lanes I think is worth it.

Last edited by Friends with Benedicts ; 13 Jul, am. Showing 1 — 15 of 18 comments. I don’t think the intention of public transport is to turn a profit in the game. Their main purpose is to reduce busew amount of traffic on the road.

Still, I understand how cool it is when you are able to get a certain transport service at a profit or at least break even — curse you monorail! Every tool seems to boil down to managing congestion. I wouldn’t advise putting your cargo stations next to each other as that smylines really amke your roads.

Instead, you sklyines use multiple cargo stations as a way to bypass the road network i. Bicycles are pretty amazing once everyone is using. They do take up more space though in terms of how you lay everything. I also once built a town based on cable-cars. End of the day, it’s less about raw challenge and more about what whacky set-up you can get to work. It’s not like real cities are designed around efficiency anyway politics keep getting in the way! Damn He posted just when I did.

Aturchomicz View Profile View Posts. Originally posted by Aturchomicz :. Last edited by kristofburger ; 13 Jul, am. Hobotango View Profile Make money from buses city skylines Posts.

I think Im going to experiment today and enact the » electric car only» accross the whole mooney, and see if it makes people use public transport.

Skkylines guys for the replies. I’m going to try a new city later, with better traffic distribution. They were too big, maybe that’s the problem. Also, creating a connectin between industry an city, with rails seems smart! I’ll sure try that later. IDK if anyone is still curious about it, but I’m managing to make some profitable bus and subway routes. They both have many things in common: Going through high density Residence areas, using routes that are often used by private cars.

Make the line cut as straight as possible through your neighbourhoods, and don’t overdo it. I started using buses with 10 thousand pops, and subways with 25k. Most bus stops are at least 20 squares from eachother, because those «Cims» can really walk a lot without resorting to another transportation. I try not to go over 4 subway stops per Area I’m considering that each of those huge squares of land you buy are called an «Area». Place University besides one of them, as skyines hotspot.

I don’t actually know if that works. Try intersecting lines on important miney, like big avenues that feeds into commercial areas or collect from industrial ones. They don’t seem profitable on low residential area, so Avoida. You’ll need to try them a lot of times. I think it took me over 10 cities to get public transport to be profitable, and that only includes buses and subways metro Survey your lines right after creating.

Cims adapt REALLY quickly to new routes, so, if they are not using your line, it means you screwed something up You’ll need to take your time and adjust lines till they’re the closest to having both full cars and empty stops, meaning you have the same ammount of cars as people needing. Follow a car through a complete lap. Watch for traffic jams, useless routes and where people are getting in. You’ll get a better view of what’s happening with your line.

For the love of god, don’t encourage biking, do not give free ticket prices, nor raise. I’ve never meddled with these while trying to create a profitable line, so I don’t have a jist of what’s their impact, but it seems like turning any of these on would interfere severely with public transportation efficiency Public transport can support.

You won’t be able to make a considerable ammount, but the other taxes raises the profit so high you’ll be able to provide full services bsues your citizens and raise skyliines value, meaning more money. Syklines edited by Friends with Benedicts ; skylinrs Jul, pm.

Up until one of the latest patches I was at least able to make a profit from my buses, but now my city went from having a profit to a 2k deficit. I wanted to complete my city without using any mods, but I guess the developers have decided that you should not be able to make a smylines tile high density city without at least using kake unlimited money mod.

This is feom max possible without cims complaining. I’ve got around 30, people in my current city, and 7 million in the city coffers. Take a close look at your routes. Same for the other types of transport. Make sure transportation go from home to industry and back, home to shopping and back and home to hub and.

With the newest patch cims tend to walk further, so keep mzke in mind when looking at stops. Take a look also at adding pedestrian and bicycle paths that may reduce the number of public transport lines you. I fixed my problem by rolling the game back to v1. Originally posted by ancienthighway :. Tankfriend View Profile View Posts. Even if you completely separate your city into different sectors that can only be reached by public transportation which actually works pretty wellyou still won’t really make a profit.

The PT options are really just there to handle traffic and congestion so you can cram even more people into your city. How skylinew they leave the train station then? Don’t need the buses. Are they using pocket cars? Then their cars are faster than the bus. Big loops with multiple stops are going to run. Makke point to point bus line with just the two stops on a fro, designed for high speed bus movement,i.

Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 13 Jul, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. Monej rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their skylihes owners in the US and other countries.

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make money from buses city skylines
Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Cities: Skylines Store Page.

Will we ever get a truly car-free city?

Global Achievements. I’m really proud of my bus lines. Most of them have hundreds of passengers and are quite efficient. Profit is sometimes positive, sometimes negative, but nothing outstading.
