How to make money as a yoga teacher

how to make money as a yoga teacher

But a handful of instructors have reached superstar status, truly living the dream and raking in the cash. Ever wonder how much those headlining instructors at Wanderlust hoe making? Or, if they ygoa the demand, will work smaller gigs two to three times a month to reach the max. The second-biggest money maker for rockstar yogis: publishing. But putting in the effort can pay off, big time. This is a biggie. And once you land a big deal, you have to retire your beloved leggings from other brands. At least, until your contract is up. Owning a studio is also not going to bring in a big paycheck.

What I Learned and How You Can Up Your Pay Scale Quickly

More times than I can remember, I have had conversations with fellow yoga teachers like you about how much they love teaching, but how difficult it is to make ends meet. Perhaps you, like many others, spend all day teaching, while never getting a break for yourself to do the practice. Finding down time is nearly impossible, because your classes are on nights and weekends when everyone else is relaxing. Some of us jump into teaching yoga as a full-time gig, only to quickly find out how difficult it is to make a decent salary. Others juggle multiple side jobs, hoping to goodness the yoga thing pans out. If you struggle as a yoga teacher, you are not alone. Guess how much I got paid? In fact, I would argue just the opposite. What we do is truly valuable to people. It is often life-changing, groundbreaking work, but even so, the yoga teacher is vastly undervalued. This also means no paid vacation, no stipend for travel or meals, and likely, no insurance coverage.

How and Where I Earn Money From Yoga

I did the hustle. There was a time when I was putting thousands of miles on my car, racing all over creation to teach at every studio in town. From dawn to dusk, I taught any class offered to me, and filled my weekends with workshops and my off hours with private clients to make extra money. Sounds glamourous? Until I had to call my mom to buy me a plane ticket home. Even with all that effort, I was constantly behind on basic payments, and I lived without health insurance for years.

Event appearances

All of which have, in hindsight, served as practice to prepare me for where I am today—a yoga teacher. Many yogis try and succeed! Teaching yoga, recently ranked as one of the most sought after careers in the U. Our friends at YogaDork break it down for us:.

How much money do yoga instructors make?

Aug 16, Yoga Teacher. They see how great yoga is for their own health and well-being and they feel like they want to share it with others. Is it possible to earn a decent living when you teach yoga? And what is the average yoga instructor salary anyways? Along with the traditional paths, there are many who pave their own way. Whether you want to teach full time at a yoga studio or be a nomadic teacher, this handy guide can help steer you in the right direction. If you want one-on-one guidance, my hour yoga teacher training does exactly that. The pay scale will vary wildly depending on how you choose to apply your knowledge. There are some common paths that yoga instructors follow and some other not so common paths.

1. Realize that spirituality means abundance

Just like the journey of yoga, the path to feeling ease and grace with our money values starts from within. First Name. All roads point to social media and the rise of the Instagram yoga superstar. Types of Yoga. They became friends with the students and other employees. Is there any hope? Over time, they became my reality, and as my yoga career developed, so did my belief that money meant struggle.

What I Learned and How You Can Up Your Pay Scale Quickly

I realized that if I wanted abundance, I needed to make a choice. An article in Racked noticed this rising trend last year:. Exhausted of yofa reserves with nothing left to offer. Get our Newsletter. Teaching yoga, recently ranked as one of the most sought after careers in the U. Popular Posts. Sign up for a weekly delivery of inspiration, exclusive offers, contests and the inside scoop on events.

Business skills for yoga teachers

I was exhausted from teaching sometimes over yogq classes a day, 7 days a week. My body hurt, I was grumpy, my bills were past. It had to stop. This was supposed to be my dream job! All of that changed when I sat down and realized a few basic business truths about teaching yoga as a career.

I have a second career as an acupuncturist, which yoya nicely with my teaching and provides me with an expert viewpoint of anatomy, injury relief, physiology, and much. BUT if all I did was teach yoga, I would still be financially comfortable. These days, I make enough per class that I only teach 8 classes a week. I also do the email marketing and some social media campaigning for monye studio, and I write for a superb online yoga publication! Each year, I help out on teacher trainings and the occasional retreat.

I make more money teaching in this way than I ever did plastering Instagram and counting «likes» obsessively with a self-loathing pit in my teachef, and I am much, much happier not running all over town like a crazy person to 7 different studios, 7 days a week. I really struggled with both finances and exhaustion in the first year yoba a half hpw teaching.

I finally connected with my teachers for advice, and as it turned out, I had more than a few misconceptions about being a yoga teacher. As such, I was broke, hungry, and needed to teach a lot of classes per day to make ends meet.

What I did later was use my knowledge teachfr an acupuncturist, my writing ability, and my additional trainings as a Yin Yoga teacher and a Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga teacher to negotiate a wage. If you have any teacheg skills, use them to negotiate better pay per class. So honor your needs.

Understand that your hour YTT is the absolute bare minimum. You need. These extra hours and certifications nourish your hunger for yoga, and they give you your edge.

They make you stand out—especially if you plan makke teach in a saturated area like. It shows studio owners and students that you have spent time refining your teaching skills and learning more about your field.

If nothing else, take anatomy classes, attend content-specific workshops, and become great at confidently assisting. You can also use the things you were good at before being a yoga teacher, like email marketing, social media management, having a keen eye for ss trends.

And your bosses want to know—trust me. They will use it to market their business, just like you should use it to spread the word about what you. Personally, my deep knowledge of the body is the most important part of my teaching. I finally recognized it as my strength when a student pointed it out to a studio owner out of town. That owner offered me a teaching gig on the spot for twice what I was being paid at home!

A few weeks later, I had refreshed all my bios at every place I taught at. Within months, my classes had grown enormously as students began talking to each other about how «if you have an injury, you should go to Amber’s classes because she knows the anatomy of the body so.

I got a raise at a few of the studios I worked at and was able to say goodbye to the places that couldn’t meet my new minimum requirement. My Misconception: I thought my job was to teach yoga and that was it. It’s not. It’s so much. Studios reward based on how much their students like you.

How many of your events do they yog How frequently do they reappear in your classroom? What is the general word on the street about your teaching? They showed up early and helped to check people in or chatted at the water station. They learnt names.

They stayed back after class and offered fresh towels to sweaty students. When asked, they gave their opinion on which leggings and mats were their favorite. They mopped the floor while chatting with students about the eight limbs. They became friends with the students and other employees. It also works for your bank account in a few ways.

The more present you are at a space you teach at in time and friendlinessthe more students will take your classes. Plus if you are already on site, your boss will likely give you mak classes and suddenly you no longer have makke spend precious time and money driving across town. Having back-to-back classes means you can ask for an admin rate in-between and hang out doing other stuff for the studio.

Example: I do the email marketing and another co-worker does the retail ordering between her classes—both wonderful items to put on the resume for future negotiating. I have taught almost daily at the same studio for 5 years. I know not just my students’ names, but the names and preferences of the students taking a class in the room next to. If a teacher yota sick, I sub for.

If a student has questions, I sit with. If a front desk person needs help checking in, I do it. As a result of my consistency and commitment, I momey rewarded generously with love, but also with that green stuff that pays my bills. My misconception: I thought I had to be physically present and teaching yoga in order to earn money as a yoga teacher. When Joney burned out and needed to take a month off of teaching, I got super creative with how to make money. There are more ways to earn cash teaching yoga than simply adding classes.

Studio owners do not want their staff to be unhappy or struggling. Unhappy teachers leads to a diminished enthusiasm hod teaching, which miney that the business owners’ «product» has gone bad.

They want you to feel inspired and alive. So talk to them—they are yogis. Let teachrr help you. Some of them will even invest in you by putting you through more training so you can eventually do your own events or trainings for. This is an awesome opportunity and it has happened for many makd my fellow teachers. Talk to someone who has been there and done that, in your city. I got advice from several of my teachers before I came up with a solid plan for what I was going to do about the mess I was in.

Instead, I implemented these ideas daily, and with a few tweaks, I managed to go from moneh and unable to pay rent, to completely financially independent and comfortable—all while remaining small scale and local. Image credit: Drinie Aguilar. It’s not about how long you’ve been teaching. It is about how hard you work and what you have to offer. Train Up and Speak Up! It sounds obvious, but This works for your yogi heart in HUGE ways. Showing whole-hearted commitment to your yoga space makes you more tacher for your students and your studio.

The more dependable you are, the more dependable your paycheck will be. You’re Not Just a Teacher. Some tidbits that I do between classes include: Pulling together all the yoga newsletters and email blasts at my studio.

I put effort into learning how to use email marketing programs by taking ypga. Online yoga classes. I did this for a while and earned a pretty penny. I do social media and very basic work-from-home admin work for studios. I link my workshops to well-known or local yoga brands and create affiliations that help me market my events without me being present.

These events are my biggest paying items all year. These same brands will sometimes supply clickable buttons to joney on teachr website so you get tl from purchases made through that button. You can do pop up trunk sales via this.

If you eventually become a brand ambassador, you often get the same benefit with Instagram discount codes. If you are an experienced teacher, use your experience in the field to mentor someone that is struggling. That is part of teaching yoga! And I was losing.

If I can do it, so can you! Popular Posts. Related Posts. Karen Costa. Start teachdr new chapter Joinmembers for a life-changing program. Join howw biggest yoga challenge ever! Aa life-changing journey begins. And it’s free!

Wanderlust 108 Events

There are 3 potential outcomes for Full-Time Yoga Teachers :. Luckily, diversifying your income 3 IS possible for most yoga teachers! This is a really common question and yet challenging to answer. The moey ranges tremendously teached the top to bottom of yoga teachers. In other words, they get paid from some combination of workshops, trainings, online sponsorships, and.

Wanderlust 108 Events

Learning how to make money as a yoga teacher should really be taught in every teacher training program. Pin me first? Then keep reading! We broke these income opportunities into three categories to help you focus on what makes the most sense for your unique situation. Yoga teachers who build robust businesses almost always have multiple streams of income.
