Can you make money farming worms

can you make money farming worms

The earthworm—once regarded as a mere creepy-crawler found on the road after a nice soft rain—has risen in status. This underground creature afrming often dwells in bins, barrels, washtubs, and other containers. There, it gives many people a new lease on life by putting bread on their tables and clothes on their backs As Doris puts it: «I never thought the earthworm would be just about my best friend, but it is. When my husband had to retire from the construction business because of a bad asthmatic condition we were faced with a real problem: What kind of work could he do that would fully support us and yet not be too hard? Then, since there are at least 90 million fishermen in the United States—including us—we decided that raising earthworms to sell for bait might be just what the doctor ordered. The Hubbells started their new «farm» with four 4′ X 7′ bins of red hybrid earthworms. Today Doris Mr. Hubbell was killed in an auto accident two years ago, and until can you make money farming worms Doris decided to go into partnership with Art Muzzin of Sacramento—she operated the business alone keeps bins, and her customers come from near and far to buy her «livestock» and the fertilizer fxrming produces. The red hybrid earthworm which saved the day for the Hubbells should not be confused with the everyday angleworm. The hybrid is a real moneymaker The creature is very adaptable to yuo varying climates and conditions and will not become restless and crawl away if it’s provided with adequate food and moisture.

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The above content is the exclusive intellectual property of Happy D Ranch. Though it is permissible to print articles for personal educational use, they may not be replicated in part or whole in any form without obtaining our written permission. Individuals, groups or businesses infringing upon this copyright will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Images and articles that are not Happy D Ranch originals have been used by permission. Or is it just a scheme? Welcome to the wacky world of worm farming. If worms were a form of currency, Clyde would be rolling in it. It seemed a nice investment and a good change from carpentry work. That was a lot of money to sink into some soil squigglers.

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Robert J. Selling worms! Ready to become a worm farmer and turn your trash into cash? A little over two months ago, a truck picked up 1, pounds of his worms and transported them up to a Washington farm owned by CRS. Something went terribly, terribly wrong, resulting in mass vermicide. He pressed them, saying that once the worms were out of his hands, he was longer responsible for their vitality. That was more than 60 days ago. The question of what to do with thousands and thousands of worms when a buy-back plan goes awry has been burrowing across the country for months. Vermiculture companies have created billions of pounds of worms, but there are only so many farms, bait shops and composters looking for worm wares. Squiggle Worm buy-back programs have been around off and on since the s. The concept is simple: Investors are not just getting worms for their money, but a buy-back guarantee on their worms. You know, worms are not that picky.

can you make money farming worms

Worms Rebuild Old Soil

Few opportunities arise in life that offer the possibility of teaching, learning, giving back, being environmentally friendly all the while earning an income in the process like worm farming. At one point in the past, worm farming was more of a hobby than a career. The niche was extremely tiny: people raised worms to sell to bait shops for fishing. With a renewed environmental focus that has spread globally, worm farming is gaining popularity as well as a foothold in the world of legitimate business endeavors.

The Direct Way

At the end of the month you will have more money in your pocket. Great content and I can feel your passion for worms, environment, small business, etc. Bentley October 30, Love your humorous style! Nevertheless at this time there is just one factor I am not really too cozy with and while I try to reconcile that with the core idea of your point, allow me observe just what the rest of your visitors have to point out. Hi i am considering a small worm farming busines to go hand in hand with my muchroom growing. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. GeneL Lv 7. Topics Introduction Why Farm Worms? Robert Calamita August 2, Newbie here.

Selling Worms For Profit(A Simple Micro-Business)

A more commercial approach, with far greater potential profit, would be to contact worm farm suppliers or manufacturers directly, and ask to become a reseller of their branded worm farm kits. Many vermiculture entrepreneurs run a tables at local fairs or flea markets, demonstrating the process with an active worm kit and using the opportunity to take orders for worm farms and worms, while directly selling vermicompost and worm tea to the general public. Money from Farming Worms. Injun Lv 6. I did a search with your email address AND name and cannot find you anywhere in my records. Bentley Fqrming 2, You could charge your participants a can you make money farming worms course fee monwy provide them with everything they need to get started — then actually help them get the ball rolling. My mom rescued a poor Bernese Mountain Dog puppy who we named Holly from a fafming a few years ago. I definitely want to help you get this resolved!

Money from Farming Worms

I will be compiling the lessons to create a guide that will then be made available to Worm Farming Alliance Pro members. Please DO keep in mind that not every one of these is necessarily well suited for every person, and if you go through the full e-mail series you will quickly realize that the idea of choosing an approach that makes sense for your given situation strengths, interests, resources, experience etc etc is an mame part of my overall core worm business philosophy.

And the best part? Get your revenge by selling them as live food organisms for other hungry animals!

Animals will always need to eat, right? Great opportunity for recurring sales with this one. This is just not the case at all, as many people have proven. Oh, and I think we ALL know that farimng composting worms and their bi-products can certainly help us cwn You could charge your participants a single course fee and provide them with everything they need to get started — then actually help them get the ball rolling.

Nothing beats framing, expert-facilitated learning! I dunno what it is about those darn college students, but they always seems to come up with the neatest summer businesses for themselves. Worms as bait!?!?! Help i cannot log! It is saying acn I am not a user when I am. I am a huge fan and interested worm composter What do I do? I did a search with your email address AND name and cannot find you anywhere in my records.

Please email me bentley wormfarmingalliance. I definitely want to help you get this resolved! Thanks for getting in touch! Thanks Bentley. John — sorry for the delay replying!

You are absolutely right — I wogms totally see you in that role! Thanks for chiming in! Awesome, Phil! Hope you sign up for the mini-series! Loads more info there and totally free. This is very interesting and very new to me. It also seems like a good way of making my own fertilizer that is organic and an extra cash on the. Thanks for sharing your yoy Malene! Neat post. Would you mind sharing the links to the articles you mentioned above ie the college students turning profit by installing gardens and the other student who rented garden space?

I actually read the student farmer one in the campus paper of the university where the student and I at the time attended. I and my son am very interested in farmibg farming. Can anyone advise me if eorms is a big market out there and what kind of return money is potential and what to expect.

Virtually all of the things you point out happens to be supprisingly legitimate and it nake me ponder the reason why I had not looked at this in this light previously. Your article cah did switch the light on for me personally as far as this particular subject matter goes. Nevertheless at this time there is just one factor I am not really too cozy with and while I try to reconcile that with the core idea of your point, allow me observe just what the rest of your visitors have to point.

Nicely. I started with about 10lbs of worms. Also am very interested in worm culture! Looking forward to experimenting on my own, any suggestions? Looking forward to some more ideas on hou a little cash inflow to our sustainable homestead. Thank you! Love your humorous style! Great content and I can feel your passion for worms, environment, small business.

Right up my alley. I just bought my retirement sanctuary of a mobile home fadming acres eorms leased land with a huge pond that farmnig allow me to enjoy my twilight years and also have the opportunity for great hobbies that can be profitable. I have the room and the stamina to start a water lily farm, a greenhouse for plants and vegetables, and worms fit right in, necessary and possibly profitable.

I look forward to worjs your website. When I was a kid my dad and I raised worms and sold them by the dozen.

I live in the mountains of Idaho where we have some pretty cold xan snowy winters. When I was a kid in Michigan my dad and I simply dug a hole and lined it with cinder blocks.

Is this a good way to go in cold weather? Please help me progress in the industry. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

Susan Perry October 26, Bentley October 26, John Duffy October 26, Bentley October 30, Phil November 2, Bentley November 2, Thanks for popping by! Malene November 4, Bentley November 4, Bentley, Neat post. Bentley November 8, Jp April 8, Loida Milliken June 8, Bill Davidson September 5, Jack ,oney 20, Cliff Leavitt March 7, Angel henry March 19, John September 13, Interested in worms as a retirement project.

Dick Allen January 18, Newbie. Have not started but very interested. Diane Freitas March 30, Hi i am considering a small worm farming busines to go hand in hand with my muchroom growing.

Steve Losie July 31, New to idea. Robert Calamita August 2, Can manure be used as compost. Jeff Reynolds January 8, Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Money from Farming Worms

Simply stated, YES! Earthworms are valuable. New markets open up regularly for worms because a worldwide shortage exists. Redworms are a very simple creature to raise and care. Until recently, the earthworm can you make money farming worms was mostly limited to the fishing industry, providing bait literally billions of worms were dedicated to the job.

Why worms?

Now, as ecological awareness grows, earthworms are also being used to compost organic waste. Our landfills worldwide are being helped by the worms’ voracious appetite to compost. Universities and scientists alike are conducting studies to see just how helpful the effects of the worms can be. I would hazard to guess that the worm producing businesses that can support the quantity needed for these studies and larger composting markets will profit greatly from a monetary standpoint.
