Jobs you can make a lot of money without college

jobs you can make a lot of money without college

There are plenty of high-paying jobs that require only a two-year associate degree, postsecondary nondegree certificate, or even just a collegr diploma — and a few that don’t require a formal educational credential at all. According to the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, these are the 40 highest-paying jobs that you don’t need a four-year degree to pursue. They assemble, install, and repair boilers, closed vats, and other large vessels or containers that hold liquids and gases. They design, build, repair, calibrate, and modify electrical components, circuitry, controls, and machinery for subsequent evaluation and use by engineering staff. They review settled claims to determine that payments and settlements mkae made in accordance with company practices and procedures. They operate subway or jobz suburban trains with no separate locomotive, or electric-powered streetcar, to transport passengers.

But often enough, conventional wisdom can be wrong, and that’s the case with a college diploma and a high-paying career. Brick layers are in high demand as the U. You only need a high school education to get steady work as a brick mason. Typically, the job involves laying and binding building materials, especially brick, concrete blocks, cinder blocks and mortar. Brick layers can work for a construction or landscaping firm, or start their own business. Costume attendants can enjoy the footlights and glamour of stage and screen, and earn good money doing so. The job usually requires a high school graduation and involves selecting and fitting show-business professionals before and during a performance. A career in the food services management sector is fast-paced and fun, and often, you get to bring the leftovers home with you.

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No formal training is required, although a high school education is usually needed. Just be prepared to work weekends. A high school education is required. Selling houses has become a popular career choice for the growing number of real estate agents in the U. Expect to know as much as possible about homes, property sites, real estate contracts, and general condition of sales. The more you know in the real estate market, the more houses you’ll sell. Computer tech support professionals are in high demand, with plenty of projected job opportunities in the next five years. It is helpful, although not required, to have an associate’s degree in some form of computer technology. As long as drivers keep banging their vehicles into one another, the demand for auto insurance damage appraisers will be strong. You only need a high school degree, but any training in auto repair and an intuitive knowledge of understanding the impact of damage on vehicle performance and appearance is highly recommended. Creating and designing websites for private or commercial usage remains in high demand in , and a high school degree is enough although an associate’s degree is helpful in establishing a career in the website development trade. Working as a professional casino gaming manager can be a pressure-packed line of work, as you’re working with the public, and with the public’s money on the line.

9. Power plant operators

Having a college degree is one of the best ways to get into a high-paying career, or at least to set yourself up in a career that offers you the potential to make the most money. The cost of college is rising along with average student loan debts, which means a formal education can get pricey depending on where you go and how much you can get from scholarships and grants. There are plenty of high-paying jobs out there that require only a two-year degree or high school diploma. Some may require additional on-the-job training, depending on the specific position and company. The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers an occupation finder tool that allows you to search for jobs based on entry-level education, projected growth rate, median pay and more. This is an excellent way to browse potential careers and find the most accurate, up-to-date information. From there, click on each career for a brief description and more links that can help you get started! Do you have a high-paying job that you landed without a four-year college degree? Let us know in the comments! Get answers to your money questions delivered to your inbox daily! Image Credit: Dreamstime.

39. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians

You could make a lot of money. You don’t make a lot of money unless you hit the big time. Unless you make a hell of an impression, Some Guy is probably going to get the col,ege. Asked in Jobs How can people get a job? Trending News. A doctor or lawyer. FBI seizes site that sells data breach information. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter raises Trump security issue. Sell lots of things at high prices. Answer Save.

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I’m assuming you want a more realistic answer than musician, actor. If you go through certain certificate or diploma programs years at mostyou can actually do a lot better than most university graduates. Programs of this kind include mechanics, electrician studies, HVAC, fire science, beauticians, practical nurses, welding, drafting, plumbing, and the like.

They’re usually pretty affordable, and you can do them through the local community college. Some programs, like clerical or childcare, will not make you very much money. As for positions with no schooling at all, most of them would require you to enter the field in a lower position and collegr your way up. But, management and positions like that often don’t require a degree and pay. Cpllege depends on what you’re good at and what you want to do with your life.

I don’t have a degree, but I’ve made as much as a year doing various levels of computer support. Jobs like that are few and far between unless you specialize like SAP or Oracle crap — in my case, I was a contractor working a shift no one else would work. It was the highest paying job anyone in my family has ever had and my Dad has a degreebut it was only for two years, and I didn’t have insurance or any sort of benefits. The reality is that no matter what degree you get, employers look at that piece of paper as a sign that you can actually finish something that you started.

It opens up a lot of jobs that are other wise unavailable iobs that require years of experience to get.

Moey are a lot of very high paying IT jobs, but there are also a lot of people with those skills. Let’s say you and Some Guy have the same skill olt, same years doing the job and Some Guy also has a degree in Lit you make a hell of an impression, Some Guy is probably going to get the job.

If there are two jobs, Some Guy may very well get hired at a higher pay rate than you, especially if the interviewer or hiring manager aa a degree. God help you if it’s from the same university as Some Guy I don’t like it mondy, but that’s the unfortunate way of the world. The last time I hired a plumber or that guy to come and fix my air conditioner I almost had a heart attack. Trending Jkbs. Nancy Pelosi’s daughter raises Trump security issue. Jennifer Aniston blames ‘peer pressure’ for decision.

Was this the last, best shot for Aaron Rodgers? At least 2 wjthout, 15 hurt in Missouri shooting: Police. Brady ready for ‘whatever the future may bring’. The Rock shares heartfelt posts about late father. FBI seizes site that sells data breach information. Dithout rescuers forced to call off search for trekkers. Dressed to impress: Niners pick Super Bowl uniforms.

Both sides cite dangers in run-up to Senate trial. Answer Save. Believe me, I’m a college grad and often wish I took that route instead. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. Still have questions? Get your answers by asking .

7 Side Jobs To Make Extra Money (2019)

In fact in many cases, it doesn’t necessarily require a bachelor’s degree. Forget four-plus years of college studying and thousands in student loans, there are dozens of occupations that reward them workers for skills gained outside the classroom. The key is knowing where to find these roles and how to prepare for.

Highest Paying Jobs With No College Degree

CNBC Make It analyzed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to find the 10 occupations that pay workers the largest salaries and don’t require college coursework, an associate’s or a bachelor’s degree as a qualification for employment. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re done learning after high school. Many of these roles demand extensive on-the-job training, certifications, or licenses. If you want to earn into the high five figures without a college degree, consider one of these 10 occupations:. In-demand in the movie and film industry, these workers install, maintain and repair audio and visual systems in businesses and homes. They also typically train customers in how to use the equipment appropriately. Breaking into this role requires only a high school diploma, though those with experience in electrical installation and repair or those with a certification in a related field may find it easier to get hired.
