Can you make money doing a cover video

can you make money doing a cover video

This post originally appeared on Dozmia’s blog. If the popularity of user generated content UGC platforms, such as YouTube and SoundCloud, has taught us anything about the music industry in the Digital Age, it is that aspiring artists from anywhere can amass huge online audiences and earn global reach by putting out cover songs that spark a reaction. Previously undiscovered talent have gone on to land brand sponsorships, live performances with doijg recording artists, appearances on TV, casting in commercials, and more— all coer the backing of a major record label. However, while recording and uploading cover songs to UGC platforms can be a great first step to building a fanbase, monetizing those songs on traditional digital music services can be a legal nightmare if not done correctly. Furthermore, knowing when, where, and how to capture all of the royalty streams that your cover recording earns will put you in a better position to reap all of the rewards from releasing a cover recording that takes off. Here are five steps that you should take if you plan to legally record and release a cover song:. The U.

How to determine if your cover song video is eligible for monetization

Tyler Ward says he was able to buy a car and a house with money he made posting videos of himself covering pop hits on YouTube. Courtesy of the artist hide caption. Artists like Gotye and PSY have found mainstream success after their videos went viral. Yet the number of cover songs — from toddlers singing The Beatles to teens tackling Led Zeppelin — eclipses original work by a long shot. Between those two extremes is an alternative universe of aspiring professional musicians who use cover songs on YouTube to build fan bases of their own. What these musicians once did for love and fame is starting to pay off in cold, hard cash. If you search for a song called » Payphone » by Maroon 5, you’ll find the original, and you’ll find the Jayesslee version , the P. Ward uses YouTube to promote his music career — he posts covers trying to draw new fans. But he could have made more money back at the bar singing those same songs. Ward is one of his clients.

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Strompolos explains that because YouTube is free in the same way that broadcast TV is free, all of the money that musicians, record labels and music publishers make right now is through advertising that runs with the videos. Until recently, cover songs were the exception. YouTube couldn’t run ads on those videos. An aspiring musician like Ward could put hours of work into a video, hoping for attention, but not get a single dollar. The issue is the legal rights to the song. That’s held by publishers or songwriters, and if anyone wants to make money on a recoding of a song, he has to make a deal. This can be tricky when talking about the thousands of people who upload covers to YouTube. Enter Fullscreen and one of its rivals, Maker Studios.

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Creators participating in the YouTube Partner Program can now share in the revenue from eligible cover song videos on YouTube, once those videos are claimed by music publisher owners. You will be paid revenue for these videos on a pro rata basis. This message will appear for videos that have been claimed and monetized through the Content ID system by the music publisher s who own s the copyright in the musical composition performed. Note that both new uploads and prior uploads may be eligible. Please note, some specific songs have not been enabled for this feature by their copyright owner s , so this may not appear for certain claimed cover videos. Other circumstances where videos are not eligible for this revenue share opportunity include:. To enable revenue sharing for your cover song video once it has been claimed by a music publisher:.

How to enable revenue sharing for your cover song video

I don’t like how this feature works. Your Youtube Channel is set. English English. People respect and look forward to your opinion. You may also get your hands on a video editing software to edit and balance your videos. Yes No.


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Cover song videos are hugely popular can you make money doing a cover video YouTubeand making a cover song video is one of the most proven ways to get new listeners and viewers to check out your other songs, including your original material. What do you need to do in order to NOT get your pants sued off? That being said, CD Baby and our YouTube network Illustrated Sound manage a vast catalog of songs and videos on behalf of omney on YouTube, and we have lots of experience from which we draw upon to offer the general advice that follows. The offering to distribute copies or phonorecords to gideo group of persons for purposes of further distribution, public performance, or public display constitutes publication.

How to determine if your cover song video is eligible for monetization

A public performance or display of a work does not of itself constitute publication. In order to distribute and sell your own version of that cover song, you have to secure what is know as a mechanical license from the publisher of the song, doint pay them the appropriate mechanical royalties. So while you absolutely MUST acquire the necessary mechanical license for a cover song before you press CDs or sell downloads, that license is meaningless when it comes to the video you want to post on YouTube. As entertainment attorney Christiane Cargill Kinney says:. Assuming that a single license is going to cover you for every usage of the song is kind of like assuming that your doctor will accept pet insurance to treat your laryngitis. Are they getting sued? Are they having their videos smacked with a copyright violation notice or take-down request? Occasionally, yes. But by and large, no. Why not? Well, YouTube has developed a monetization system to allows rights holders and content creators to bypass the usual licensing process for cover song videos. Getting a sync license or synch license from the publisher of the song allows you to pair their composition with moving images in your cover song video.
